March 8, 2013: Another Friday

A quiet morning of oatmeal, SB and a little e-mail 
Other than Garrett being in town, I don't think I would have a clue that it's Friday. My days seem to gel together as of late. I'm okay with that, but it sure makes the close of the week a welcomed surprise. Once I realized it truly was Friday, I looked ahead at the weekend. Nothing on the calendar. Nothing.

The Irish returned to Ireland and work can now wait until Monday. A needed break. And Garrett's in town. This means we can sleep in and plan our days on a whim. Whatever the feeling of the moment...a movie, an errand, the gym...we can respond.

We often say our weekends together (the quiet ones) have the feel of retired couple. We have been known to hit movies before noon for the discount and often lose track of the time of the day. My retired parents tell me they rarely look at the clock. Why? It doesn't matter. They set their own schedule.

The crackle of the fire place, leftovers beckoning us from the frig, and a Starbucks run are common themes of our quiet weekends. Once I became single, I was asked what was on "my list" for a future suitor. I now know something I wouldn't have had a clue on then. One of the most important traits in your significant other is enjoying each other's company without doing anything at all.

I see a lot couples being social and active within groups of people. I often wonder if they enjoy each other's company on five hour road trips like Garrett and I do. Or if they're comfortable just being together where spurts of silence never gives off the feeling of being alone. I sure hope they have this.

The best partner is one who both plays well and hangs well. Low maintenance and no expectations. I think we call that simply living and enjoying every moment; both those exciting and those reflecting. Yeah, that is definitely high on my list.


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