March 21, 2013: Under the Covers

All is forgiven...Abby snuggles up to me
I like milestones. Today is one week post-surgery. Amen to Week One under the belt. The second milestone was getting under the covers again. Last night was the first night in a week I slept under the covers on my bed. Bliss. My cat, Abby, is just as pleased with life back to nighttime normalcy.

Abby is fickle. Last night at piano I played a song called "The Woman is Fickle" (for those interested...from the beginning of act 3 of Guiseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto - 1851). All I could think about while playing the song was "no, I'm good. The fickle female in my house is my cat". My short-term sleeping arrangement and temporary immobility had sent her into a tail spin.

She was told not to climb on me. She hated that. She wasn't allowed to sleep in my room. This was followed by her hissing at Stefano. She hated my crutches. She was annoyed by my "stuff" on her side of the bed. I was invading her space.

She spent most of her time over the last week hiding under my bed and pouting. She would ignore me on the rare occasions when she swallowed her pride and laid at the end of the bed. No sympathy for her all. Abby was pissed.

This week as the midnight wake-up calls for meds ended with minimal nightly disruptions, Abby came around. I woke up at 2:00 in morning this Tuesday to Abby snuggled in my arm (pictured above...couldn't resist capturing this feline moment). Obviously we had made up.

Last night was the blissful moment when I pulled down the comforter and slept in the sheets; no leg propping necessary. I woke up to Abby purring just inches away from my covered feet. We are now officially back to normal. I hope she doesn't hold grudges.


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