March 30, 2019: The Boise Adventure | On The Move Again

Last walk before we go new

Yes, we are moving again. But not from Boise. Where our last move was 1,240 miles, this one will be 3 miles. We are moving within Boise from House #1 to House #2.

When our original plan of test-driving Boise for three months turned into Garrett taking a full-time job, we found our rental already booked for time periods after our original commitment through March. Instead of going transit for these periods and extending our stay, we decided to find a new place. And after much discussion, we decided to try a new neighborhood with a different feel of Boise.

House #2 is in the Hyde Park neighborhood, a block from the Hyde Park main street. This is quite a change from our current house which is in the foothills on the edge of town. To those readers living in Omaha, this move is like going from Ponca Hills to Dundee.

Although we have enjoyed the beauty and solitude of House #1 in the hills, we welcome the change of scenery. We also welcome a mild shake-up to our newly formed routines.

Over a recent dinner, I asked Garrett his feelings on our upcoming move.

Me: "Are you sad or happy that we are moving?"

Garrett after a little thought: "I'm neutral."

Me too.

Although we have loved the fantastic views and the quiet of House #1, we also have a regularity that quickly is becoming engrained. From experience, we know that the longer you do something, the more difficult it is to shake it up.

Quoting a frequent excerpt from the book, Glass Houses "It's time to skedaddle."

Change is a good thing.

My friends recently quizzed me on how I really felt about moving and living in furnished rental homes. It actually is a lot of fun. We are able to enjoy a variety of design and taste in furniture without the cost of redecorating my own home.

House #1 is an art deco style (with everything white) and has modern architectural flare. The owner had lived here with his dog before marrying and moving to something more sensible. The kitchen mirrors bachelor living. My first shopping trip in Boise was to buy utensils for cooking to support the kitchen equipped for take-out.

House #2 is old with a long history (that I can't wait to research). Wood floors run throughout with all the traditional details of turn-of-the-century homes. I've always wanted to live in an old house, but have never wanted the responsibility of the upkeep and repairs. I will get the best of both worlds, at least until the end of the year.

Being a traditionalist by nature, I took Zeke on our last long walk tonight through the neighborhood adjacent to us. This has been our favorite route to walk or run over the last three months. We have watched the local nursery come alive with spring. Zeke has his favorite smells and stops.

New garden walk through Edwards Nursery
We know some of the dogs by name. Taffy, the mid-sized poodle, was walking with her elderly owner. I wave to the house whenever we walk by, regardless if we see anyone. The owner with an oxygen machine can't always make it outside, but often looks out the windows with Taffy.

Today they were enjoying the beautiful night outside and let us in on a secret. The garden walk through the nursery is open to the public. It was beautiful. A new walk off our beaten path. There is always a new adventure if you allow yourself to find it.

I do get sentimental knowing we are leaving what is now our comfortable rhythm. But that also tells me, it is time to go. I'm not ready to get comfortable yet. We need to keep exploring and experiencing.

It's kind of like a white elephant gift exchange. Keep what you have, trade for what you know, or go new. We are going new.

Tomorrow our evening walk will be through the bustling Hyde Park. No doubt the look and feel will be completely different from what we have become accustomed. Zeke will need to find his favorite spot in the new house and for me, I will need the perfect thoughtful spot to work.

What remains the same is our trio of three, Garrett, me and Zeke, enjoying the new adventures each day brings. We all are looking forward to outdoor dog-friendly patios, nearby parks and trails, and the bustle of city living.

Some pictures of our favorite walk (we will be back) and the last sunset at House #1...

The start of our walk and Zeke has no interest in posing for a picture

Zeke saying good-bye (with his typical greeting) to the 3 corgi's down the hill

Last sunset - always spectacular


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