March 31, 2013: How We Spend our Easters...

Back in the days of Easter cake and dyed eggs
(aprons painted and handmade courtesy of Grandma Mary)

Another Easter Sunday is upon us. As we sat in church today, the boys on one side and Garrett on my other, I reflected on how my Easters have changed over the years.

St. Wenceslaus Church was filled with dolled up tots, wearing their Easter dresses and mini-ties. In years past, my boys would have been dressed to the tees with brightly colored polo shirts and cool shoes. Now as young adults who choose their own clothes, I will give them credit for looking very handsome today as well.

My Easter preparations have also changed significantly over the years. I reflected on the fact that this was my first Easter with the boys with no Easter baskets or dyed eggs. I actually bought no candy and didn't even consider it.

Garrett and I had to ponder what we did last Easter. Did we have our kids and were we even together? After slight hesitation, we remembered that the two of us were kid-free and skiing in Crested Butte during last year's holiday weekend. Yes, times have definitely changed since the Easters of the boys' toddler years.

I will tell you that no one felt slighted with the lack of goodies. Village Inn after mass was a unanimous hit. And the boys were confident that Grandma Cookie would spoil them with plenty of candy at the Lane family gathering this afternoon. Garrett is counting on some extra landing back at my house tonight.

As for Garrett and I, we are just watching some basketball with our computers fired up. I am also enjoying my new I-Pad Mini (Happy Easter to me?). Some inspiration did motivate me to go through old photo albums and pull a few of my favorite pictures of Easters past. Aren't they cute? <sigh>. And speaking of both cute having young adults, the video that Grant and Ben produced (and that FaceBook subsequently pulled from my page...Harlem Shake must be a copyright problem) is below as well. Happy Easter from the Lane's!!

Grant's version of the Harlem Shake (choreography and egging on via Ben)

Grant is a newborn. Boys enjoy their Easter blow-up chairs

Love this pix. All jammies were made by Gma Mary. Harry in the background.
Thomas slippers on Grant and all with sleepy heads


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