March 18, 2013: Back to Normal?

Compression icing at PT
The advice I've been told over and over with my injury is the importance of PT, PT, and more PT. Today was my first physical therapy appointment. With it, I feel nothing short of on my way to recovery and back to sport. A good day. I look forward to the day when this is all in my past as I run the trails again and climb steps, free of crutches.

I am good with one day at a time. Somethings can't be hurried; like healing and rehab. Good things come to those who wait, right? So I will wait. And as I wait, I will follow my PT exercises like a good student, drink my water, and ice my knee. The last thing I want to do is re-injure and start over. This is God's way of testing my patience, I am sure (since I wasn't born with this gene).

So back to my new normal....taking it easy, every day a little better than the last, and staying the course. And, Mom, I PROMISE to listen the the doctors and physical therapists. It's a marathon and not a sprint. I get it and will pace myself...


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