March 15, 2013: Am I Bored?

Perfect place for my computer

Garrett just called to check in on me. "Do you wish you had a TV in your room?" he asked. After over 24 hours confined to my upstairs quarters, this thought had never crossed my mind. TV? That's right...I am supposed to be watching continuous television. That's what you do when bed-bound. I missing the boat?

As you can see in this picture, my bedroom hutch holds only my color printer and office supplies. There was a television there once, but I never watched it. Never. The wasted use of space bothered me. One day I thought I had a brilliant idea and completed my office space with a nearby printer. The TV went to Goodwill. And I've never missed it.

Next question "Are you bored?" Hmmm...not at all, actually. I am very comfortable and content. Between meds, exercises and potty breaks; I am reading, writing and listening to a little Pandora radio (Les Miserable is the running favorite). As I occupy the right side of my bed, my little pieces of entertainment occupy my left: a book on transforming healthcare, the Bible, I-Pad, my journal, photos to be organized, and a stack of work-related paperwork that needs tending to.

With computer on my lap and phone to my ear, I then rattled off my list of accomplishments for the day to Garrett (checked off as completed with an orange highlighter). Nope, I'm definitely not bored. Just a few things left on the list before I call it a night...


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