April 6, 2013: A Mexican Diversion

Timing starts with pix in bottom right and goes counter-clockwise
(note additional margs added as we continue our adventure!)
There is an old wive's tale that Russ Lane (Jr.) grew a uterus in Mexico a few years back. As a witness, I can tell you that although it was a temporary affliction, it's true. The reality is that he took one for the team on that very random day in Mexico. What had started as an impromptu girls' day trip with Russ as chaperon ended as a day filled with unexpected surprises and girl (& Russ) bonding.

It all started at the Angel Flight fundraiser and the couples at our table deciding to bid on a trip to Manzanillo, Mexico. The four pooling couples "won" the trip. Months later we booked our prize trip and were off on an adventure.

Russ' journey on the female side was a day the other guys were ATV'ing through the rugged countryside of Mexico. Russ, not one to get his hands dirty, valiantly volunteered to instead chauffeur the girls to an exclusive resort Kori had found on-line. He didn't think we should go anywhere unattended in Mexico, let alone up an unknown mountainside, without a male escort.

Kori was spot-on with her recommendation. The resort was stunning. We started our adventure with a two margarita lunch; along with food, of course. This lunch set the tone for the rest of the day. As I sat with my favorite pals, I knew my personal life was in shambles. I also believed it was my secret.

Without speaking details, I made a comment at the end of lunch that I thought "everything would be alright". No words spoken by my comrades, but with tears down our collective cheeks, they reassured me with their eyes that all would be okay. This is the unspoken language of girlfriends. There are no secrets.

We collected ourselves after our momentary cry and toasted our glasses to the rest of the day. Russ' response to this shared moment was "what just happened?" We all knew, but no explanatory words were needed. Instead we told our escort that we were ready to shop. The resort staff had advised us that good shopping was merely an air boat away.

Russ listened to his ladies and secured us an air boat. As the four partners in crime laughed through our windy ride, we hit the open Mexican market. Laughing like school girls, we scurried through the many shops looking for prized treasures of woven fans and floppy hats. I continued to ask in my best Spanish for the treasure I sought; a pendant of the Virgin Mary. "Jesús Mama?" my friends and I would ask each vendor. We never did locate the medallion, but I did secure some awesome handmade rosaries.

Russ effectively corralled us back to the boat and back to the resort. As he did his politically-correct best, Russ agreed to a tour of the resort with the general manager. He thought this was the least we could do after enjoying the great service given to us during their off season. As Russ shook hands and offered his standard professionalism, Leslie fell in the pool and the rest of us giggled uncontrollably until we cried. Our visit ended with Russ shaking hands with the GM and shaking his head as he sent his girls to the car.

On our trip back down the mountain, as the fateful four started to nap (after saying some prayers together with our new rosaries), Russ made the classic statement that will go down in history. Responding to Robbie's thanks to him for accompanying us, Russ deadpanned, "Damn, I think I grew a uterus today." I guess the ATV's didn't sound so bad at that point. Thanks Russ. A day we girls will never forget :)

Kori memorialized our day with this scrapbook page

Our final tour and new friend, the resort GM


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