April 22, 2013: Come Monday

My work view today
Is there anything as peaceful as driving across town in the dark of an early morning? This ranks pretty high on my list. At 6:00 a.m. there is a flicker of life beginning to light up, but all is relatively tranquil.

Garrett's traditional Monday morning flight home has me at the airport before six. With a ceramic cup of coffee in hand, my first choice on this early morning adventure is which way to take home. The quick way is the Interstate. The preferred drive is straight through town. Dodge Street is my favored route.

This morning thoughts of hurrying home and catching some more sleep lingered momentarily, but instead I hung a left onto Abbott Drive out of the airport. It was the Dodge way home today. 6:02 a.m.

6:07: Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" blared on the radio as I weaved through the quiet Creighton campus. A security guard was the only human I spotted as the rain lightly fell on my windshield. I didn't switch songs. Britney sounded good this morning.

6:11: I drove by a hotel that was the scene of a lover's fumbled escapade last week. This romp resulted in a naked man's arrest. Police sang "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" to me as I drove by this hotel and then the Med Center. Lots of lights on in the hospital. The hotel was predominantly dark.

6:17: As I passed Crossroads, I estimated it to be at least ten years since I had been in that mall. Target has gotten my business, but not since my stroller days had I been inside the mall. The Eagles blared on my satellite radio with "Hotel California" as I passed by this mall of yesteryear yet again.

6:21: After the Expressway, I drove by my old office; fully aware that many would be pulling in shortly for the Monday morning meeting. I smiled, happy with my attire of jammie pants and anticipation of a second cup of coffee in the comfort of my home. Jimmy Buffett came on next with "Come Monday". He was singing to me as I took the 168th Street exit, heading for home.

6:32: I finally pulled into my drive. My trip from the airport was complete. Working from home today, I noticed my tulips ready to bloom. With a light rain hitting my patio, I enjoyed a quiet bliss. Just me and the chirping birds. I check in with no one today. The day is mine. I will get a lot done, no doubt. A good start to a Monday.


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