April 3, 2013: One Sided Conversations

Emphasis on my new spring pots and the saying on my shirt :)

I had a bit of an "aha" moment today. And it came from receiving some compliments. First was the receipt of a very nice note in the mail with congrats on my career change and sweet feedback on my blog. It gave me a huge smile. The second was a message in FaceBook. I missed a friend at church and she was catching up. The last was an e-mail from a running friend. My ACL problem has made our daily conversations a distant memory.

What came across in her e-mail was that I wasn't a distant memory. She was enjoying keeping up with my life via my blogs. The same with my friend from church. She knew what my days looked like, but other than a few FB posts, I knew little about hers. One-sided conversations. I love to write and blog, but that is really what it is; a one-sided conversation.

The thought of a one-sided conversation doesn't feel very good to me. Some of it is just bad timing; I have been holed up with a bad knee and out of my normal routine. And I have been busy with work and kids. But I like to hear about everyone else's lives and I so enjoying sharing life together.

For those who use social media, I do get to keep up a bit. But that's a cheap substitute for sharing life in person. I miss the talks on the runs. I miss the casual glass of wine with friends. A little quiet time is good, but I don't need to turn into the female version of the boy in the bubble.

Responses were in order to straighten out the "one-sidedness" of our communication. I now have a couple of dates in the books and more that need to happen. Some face-to-face time is in order. I can't wait to catch up. And it may take more than one glass of wine. I'm all ears...


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