April 25, 2013: Kids Days in Remsen

Sandy, Matt and Mark on the "crowns"
Picture taken by Uncle David

(Guest writer for today's blog is my mom, Mary Wagner)

Kids Days, an annual 2-day affair and the highlight of Remsen, Iowa’s Norman Rockwell summers.  June 11 & 12, 1975, not too different from those of days gone by, was blessed with a little rain, lots of sunshine and steadily rising temperatures (good for the crops and everyone’s mood) and crammed with events. 

Young and old came out in force to enjoy main street merchant’s sale racks displayed on sidewalks with specials offered inside each store, Knight’s of Columbus food stand boasting of savory burgers and onions, a stand with to-die-for Wells Blue Bunny ice cream, the Kiddie parade, water fight, dances at the Avalon featuring live bands, free swimming at the pool, maybe a baseball or softball game, Bingo, livestock judging and last but not least, the carnival rides!!! 

After a morning shower of rain, Wednesday afternoon found Matt, Mark, Sandy & I downtown taking in the festivities offered for that day, and watching the Kiddie Parade in the evening. Jim spent his days in his barbershop, and both nights tending bar for the dances at the Avalon.   He didn’t miss a thing during the day though…the shop with a large front window, & on the north end of main street was perfectly positioned for viewing the activities going on; periodically the kids and I stopped by to use the bathroom, hang out and rest a bit.

A quick lunch on Thursday…We walked the 2 blocks from our house to main street where Grandpa & Grandma Gib (Gib & Marie Wagner) met us for the water fight.  Gib & Marie took over for the rest of the
afternoon (picture below)

This was also the week that my brother David (Pick) from Norfolk, VA came home to visit. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity to entertain his nephews Matt & Mark, and niece, Sandy, David took them to Kiddie Days on Thursday evening.  David chronicled the event with photos he took while the four of them rode on the Ferris wheel.  I wonder if the kids remember it.

P.S.  I sewed the outfits Matt, Mark & Sandy are wearing.


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