April 28, 2013: Going on an Adventure

The front tulips have bloomed <smile>
I'm going on an adventure tomorrow. It's been a while. Others may dispute this, but based on the travel schedule I've grown accustomed to; it really has been a while.

The boarding passes are printed and the luggage packing has begun. It is such an adventure that I am actually checking bags. I rarely do that. But I am on this trip. I want my own hair products and face lotion (not mini-size alternatives). I want my favorite boots and heels on hand without having to choose. Yep, I am going all out.

Over the next week we will hit the upper east coast, staying in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The week will include Newport vineyards, historic mansions, and a stay at a New England ocean-front resort. Garrett and I will finish out our trip in Dallas as we enjoy a weekend visit with my brother, Mark. We are very excited for this east to south adventure.

As excited as I am for my first big post-surgery outing, I have been feeling a bit of regret today as I stared at my yet-to-bloom tulips in my back yard. They were newly planted in the fall with my landscape face lift. I have giddily enjoyed watching my front yard flowers erupt in gorgeous reds and purples. But with the newness of planting and the northern exposure, my back yard is a week behind.

I continually reminded myself that I can't have it all as I longingly stared at my un-bloomed bulbs. They are sure to bloom in my absence. I wish I could enjoy both my anticipated trip and my backyard tulips (did I mention my trees will most likely bloom next week too?). But, no, I can't have it all.

I did come up with a great plan. At dinner tonight I asked (begged) the boys to take pictures for me on their I-phones. The one who pulled through with the best pictures would be my favorite. "Sure" was their answer. Later as I talked through my travel plans with them, it became apparent that I wouldn't be seeing their shining faces for a full week.

"Will you miss me?" I asked, half in jest. Without missing a beat, Grant deadpanned, "I think you will miss your tulips a lot more than us." Good point, Grant. The tulips will come back next year. Kisses to the boys and I am going to get back to packing my bags...
My back tulips are poking out ~
kind of winking at me

My little corner of "soon-to-be" colorful love


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