April 17, 2013: Ms. Fey...soon to be Mrs. Eisenmenger

Lisa with her Baby Benny
In another distinct case of "where did the time go", our little Lisa is going to tie the knot. Lisa Fey and Adam Eisenmenger will be exchanging their vows this Saturday. My boys, who have enjoyed her cuddling and love since they were babies, will be a part of her big day. We are all thrilled.

Ms. Lisa was a toddler when I joined the family. Always the responsible one of her siblings (sorry Bud and Linds), Lisa was the rule-follower. She brought cheer to our world with her bright smile.

As I added boys to my brood, Lisa played our ever-functional babysitter. Although a little girl herself, she loved the boys up while showing the aptitude of a teenager.

We watched her grow up. There were recitals and later proms. Friends were always abound and Adam was introduced as her high school sweetheart. And we liked him. A nice boy for Lisa. We were thrilled.

Graduation passed. Lisa then entertained my boys with the allure of her pretty teenage girlfriends (Ben preferred to sit on their laps as a five year-old..."my mom said so"). She played cool music and drove cute cars. And she still doted on the Lane boys. Then she went on to college; as did her kind boyfriend, Adam. We were thrilled.

Now our little Lisa and her forever sweetheart, Adam, are getting married. She will beam down the aisle with her bright smile; no doubt. Her married life with Adam starts on Saturday. We are so thrilled. Congratulations, Lisa and Adam. We love you both and can't wait to be a part of your wedding day.

"May your joys be as bright as the morning, your years of happiness as numerous as the stars in the heavens, and your troubles but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love." ~ Old English Blessing

soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Eisenmenger


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