April 10, 2013: Some Thoughts on $

Money, money, money...some have very little, others a lot. Some had it and lost it. Others wish they had more. To me this is all really a lot of blah, blah, blah.

A person's wealth or lack-thereof has never been of interest to me. I had always attributed this to my profession; I have seen so many financial numbers that the significance eventually lost significance. Although I do believe there is some truth to this theory, I've come to believe that I simply don't care because that's how I'm wired (personality flaw? maybe).

As I have grown in age and experience, I find myself dealing with all classes of wealth (ubber, modest, had, don't have). In my simple mind, the significance of the person is never measured by their money. I view the world as the same playing field. We all have different strengths, weaknesses, and blessings. The fascinating part is to observe how people respond to these life differences.

At the end of the day, people fascinate me. I'm a observer of life and love to hear people's stories. In analyzing why I don't feel the same awe to the ubber-wealthy as others, a simple self-observation came to me. I'm not interested in what people do with their money. I am interested in what money does to people.

And this goes both ways; having a lot of money and having no money. How people deal with their financial blessings or misfortunes can be admirable at times and painful to observe other times. Does the person who lost everything long to have it back or appreciate what he now has? Does the billionaire show kindness to those who need it?

Kindness from the wealthy doesn't mean showering with money. Admirable behavior from one lacking money isn't expecting money as a gesture of kindness. Kindness is a hug. It's an acknowledgment of another human and a caring ear. It's courteous replies to inquiries. It's eye contact and genuine concern for the answer to the question "how are you?"

The most interesting and admirable people I know haven't been changed by their financial situation. They are authentic and kind. God gives us gifts and challenges. It's our free will that determines how we handle them. The result is both interesting and many times, inspirational.  


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