January 8, 2013: Star Light, Star Bright...

...first star I see tonight. I wish I may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight.

hot tub time machine...
I couldn't resist the lure of the hot tub tonight. It was calling my name as the boys and I drove home from the Jays game and my car thermometer read 39 degrees. Perfect hot tub weather. After a so-so day, just what the doctor ordered.

The added surprise was leftover Irish ale from a Christmas party. Finding this treasure in the dark recesses of my garage frig was nothing short of a calling. After a quick chemical shocking of the hot tub (I do have teenage boys), the 103 degrees of aqua therapy was bliss.

Relaxing with beer in hand and gazing up at the bright star-filled night, I was quickly reminded of my nightly ritual four years ago. In those days I was coping with my new life of alone-nights. The hot tub and a glass of wine were my therapy for thinking about life and calming my nerves a bit. It was a chance to reflect on the past and use those lessons for the future. Each night I would look up at the starry sky and recite the childhood verse in my head "star light, star bright, first star I see tonight...". And in a very childish, but hopeful way, I would wish on a star.

My wishes were simple. I wished for love and happiness. I didn't have a clue at the time what the future held for me, but I had hope and faith that God would lead the way. So here I am today. Gazing at the same stars from four years ago and feeling pretty darn good. Cheers.


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