January 5, 2013: Memories and Hope

I love fortune cookies and the fortunes that come with them. The one above I received before Christmas was a keeper..so fitting for a season filled with memories, spending time with loved ones, and ringing in a new year. I savor the memories and hold on tightly to hope. Even at 45, I can still enjoy young hopes too, right?

My vinyl picks of the day
I did get a taste of both prongs of this fortune today as we made a pit stop at my favorite candy store, Hollywood Candy, in the Old Market. It's a flea market and candy store combined; full to the brim of vintage treasures. My twelve-year-old partners-in-crime were as equally enthralled as me. I never tire of looking through the boxes full of vinyls or walls full of collectible Pez containers. And the boys were right by my side, checking out the inventory every step of the way.

As we ate our candy of choice on the car ride back to West Omaha, we discussed our plans for the night and adventure for tomorrow (zoo!). Old and new filled the car as we (me) went from belting out a Paul Simon tune to the three of us singing a little Nelly..."Ride wit me". Yes, the candy store will never get old and the pink sunset shining down on Omaha; always brings a flicker of young hope.

Lucas and Grant enjoying candy store treasures


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