January 3, 2013: Quiet Bliss

If you read my blog on Paper http://sandyalane.blogspot.com, you will recognize Abby's companion in the picture above. After a week of planes, autos, snowy drives in the mountains, lots of kid time and Christmas adventures; the solitude of my cozy home was a much needed reprieve. My boys are with their dad this week and the Colorado crew in Colorado. So Abby and I are the only inhabitants of my quiet home. And I'm good with this temporary quiet bliss.

My days have been filled with working, reading, cooking (for one), and my ever favorite...poking around the house. I have cleaned out drawers, organized shelves, and read through cards written years ago. A favorite spot of mine to catch up on the goings on in the cyber world are on my chocolate colored leather couch in the family room. As my fur blanket lays on my lap, providing padding for my lap top while the fireplace provides the only sound in the house; Abby has been sitting perched next to her new best friend.

After writing my blog on Paper, I decided to let her join the ranks of the upper floors in my house. Yet to be brought up to my upstairs closet, she has been sitting on an ottoman in the family room. The space to her right has become Abby's new favorite spot. It's as though Abby thinks she is protecting this cloth doll. She often glances up as though waiting for movement or a spoken word. I keep thinking Abby will tire of the doll who doesn't respond, but instead the affection seems to grow. So Paper will stay in the family room for now. I don't have the heart to move her and she sure has been good company for both Abby and I. We'll see what the boys think when they return....hmmmmm....


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