January 1, 2013: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all and special thanks to my aunt, Kathy, for my Starbucks mug...good for 31 days of free coffee for the month of January. If you peek past my handheld cup, you might notice today's temp of a mere 11 degrees in sunny Omaha. The coffee was much appreciated and delighted in on day one of my free coffee journey.

Hopefully most reading this have met Aunt Kathy. She's awesome. I am blessed to have many wonderful aunts and Kathy is one of them. Being the youngest of nine with my mom the oldest, Kathy and I have been close enough in age to enjoy a friendship and common bonds. I tagged along with Kathy and her high school friends back in the 70's. I was introduced to a life full of Volkswagen bug's (convertible in a time they were unheard of), smoking teens, and a high school band called "The Auto". Every time I hear a song sung by Chicago, I can picture my aunt belting out the tune with her fellow band mates ("...As I was walking down the street one day...baa, baa, baa, bop.."). Kathy also played a killer alto sax and yes, I too followed her lead in my future band days.

In years subsequent to the 70's, Kathy watched me grow up. I loved her kids like my own and she gave the same gift back to my boys in later years. While I was in college, we lived in the same Iowa town. That was a fun time. I was a waitress at their Mexican restaurant and babysat Kathy's three cute toddlers (Billy, Stefano and Angelina) whenever presented the opportunity. Life was simple; full of classes and college friends. Time with Kathy and kids was a pleasured past time. I loved every minute of this era in my life.

The years following college took us on separate journeys in different towns and cities. Now twenty-five years later, Kathy and I are both in the same city again. Although a temporary arrangement, Kathy's job hunting has her staying in Omaha with Aunt Joanie. As Joanie and Kathy picked me up from the airport yesterday, waving to me from their parked car as I rode down the airport escalator, my heart was filled reminded of this little gift God gave to me.

Although I forgot how great it was to have Kathy a phone call away for an impromptu glass of wine or sporadic outing, how quickly it has all come back to me. Although we had no New Year's Eve plans other than picking me up from the airport, our night was full of smiles and laughs. After an errant park job in a restricted police stall, our move to a legal stall brought us into downtown Julio's for margs and queso. This was followed by a perfectly timed (by our standards) fireworks show to view and enjoy.

We capped off the night sitting by the fireplace sipping champagne and watching vintage Madonna get into her groove on a Dick Clark tribute special. No doubt we have come full circle. Welcome to Omaha, Aunt Kathy. You know, there are great jobs to be had here in the Heartland. We would love for Omaha to become your permanent address <sigh>...wouldn't it be nice...


  1. God knows how much I love you, Sandra Alexandra!!! There isn't a day goes by I don't thank my lucky stars for you and your boys. <3


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