January 28, 2013: Fun with Fashion

There is a story behind every outfit...
Today's excerpt is going to be a bit of a fashion blog. The motivation behind this theme stems from compliments thrown my way on the outfit I wore this weekend (picture below). After posting on FaceBook, I got several "likes" on the outfit as much as the picture. My knee jerk reaction was to tell the story behind the clothing.

When I dressed up for dinner last night (picture above...thanks to Garrett, my new fashion photographer) and reviewed my wardrobe choice, I was again reminded that most all of my articles of clothing have a story behind them. Weird, but true. Let me explain this phenomenon.

I really don't like to shop. And I really don't like to shop without a reason. For instance, you would never hear me say "let's go to the mall" or "shall we just walk around Village Pointe?". There is no "Born to Shop" bumper sticker on my car. Like my aversion to chocolate, I wasn't born with this female gene.

But as described in a prior blog; although I don't like to shop, I have great inventory. This is where you need to stay with me. I very much love all apparel and great wearable designs. Since I find "blind shopping" an incredible waste of time and mindlessly searching through racks the sensation of finger nails on a chalkboard, I would describe myself as a destination shopper. I buy things that catch my eye (many times at random places). Since shopping is selective and usually at unique places, every piece of my clothing has a bit of history; a story.

When I received the nice compliments yesterday, my first thoughts revolved around the great stories behind this outfit that I threw together. The red boots have been a very popular accessory. I purchased them after winning the 2005 Alamo Bowl. As we stood cheering on the Huskers in the fourth quarter of the game, I turned to my sister-in-law and made the bold statement, "If we win this game, I am buying a pair of red cowboy boots." We beat Michigan 32-28 and I bought the last pair of red cowboy boots in the huge Shepler's boot warehouse in San Antonio, Texas the next day.

What is the story behind the colorful shirt I am wearing, you ask? After sushi and wine happy hour with my sister-in-laws one Friday afternoon, I saw it on a rack (along with the grey dress pictured above) walking to my car. What brilliant marketing to have a clothing boutique adjoining a popular uptown sushi bar! Brilliant. I never would have walked in the door if I hadn't had to walk through the store to my car. Of course the encouragement of my sister-in-laws and nieces on the "smart look" of my choices only fueled my fire.

The jeans were purchased from Nordstrom's in Chicago on my 42nd birthday. I flew in for the weekend to run a half marathon with my cousins. I also convinced an entourage of friends to join us for a girls weekend. My friend, Staci (a self-professed jeans snob), was determined to outfit me in the perfect fitting jean. She literally threw jeans at me for an hour, carefully critiquing each pair I tried on. After sixty minutes of trying on pair after pair and retail onlookers gathering, she choose the perfect pairs for me. They cost me twice as much as I would have ever paid on my own, but three years later they are stilled crowned winners and worn often.

Since I am now on a roll and can't stop...the black boots I am wearing in the top picture...what is the story, you ask? Garrett picked them out. Two years ago we flew to Chicago to travel to a Purdue football game. After lunch in the Sears Tower, we decided to check out the Miracle Mile. Although neither of us are shoppers, we decided that in addition to Garrett's Popcorn (a different Garrett) and Starbucks coffee, we should probably shop for something else. I love boots and he needed a new pair of dress shoes, so we had a little fun in the shoe stores. His winners were found at Cole Haan and mine at Nine West. Come to think of it, I ended up buying a pair at Cole Haan too...

So next time you see me in an outfit that you feel deserves a compliment, ask for the story...there's always a story and I have no problem sharing it :)

The "thrown together" outfit that got some compliments
(oh...and earrings were a gift from Aunt Barbara)


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