January 30, 2013: A Snow Day

Grant enjoying a surprise snow day
Not only was yesterday a snow day, but it was a surprise. Telling the boys that there was no school was similar to them opening an unexpected Christmas gift. They hadn't a clue of a snow day potential when they went to bed the night before. The unexpected nature of this little gift from nature put a whole new spin on the day.

I checked the weather when I awoke. The wind was howling outside, so I knew something was brewing. "Schools Closed" was an Omaha.com headline. I first woke Ben and shared this development. He shot up and asked "really?" and then a jubilant "yes!!" Although he later said he didn't remember me coming in, I awoke Grant and told him the same news. They both nestled back into their comfy slumber. I nestled in front of my computer; jammies and slippers intact.

At 9:15 my phone rang with an incoming call from Grant. As I wondered why he was calling me from down the hall, I heard his panicked voice waking Ben up. Not remembering my early morning no school news, he saw the time and thought he was late for school. After the shock and dismay of my presence and reassurance that it was, in fact, a snow day; Grant started screaming for joy. You would have thought he won the lottery.

The morning progressed with the soundtrack to Rock of Ages blaring on Ben's lap top while the two boys enjoyed their morning of freedom together. There was an unexpected elation in the air; different from the snow days of past. After thinking through the different feel of the day, I realized it was attributed to the element of surprise.

I can't think of another snow day where the kids weren't asking me over and over again the night before, "Mom, do you think they'll cancel school?" They would pray for it and many times count on it. This time, the expectation escaped all of us. The result was the gift of a free day. Not an expectation.

It can all be summed up with Grant's statement to me this morning when talking about the previous day of no school. "It was so random, Mom." Yep...awe and amazement. Sometimes the unexpected isn't a bad thing.


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