September 23, 2018: It's All About Zeke

Day 16 | 30 Days of Writing

Dinner, patio style, in Durango, CO

Today we made it to state #5, Colorado. Our trip mileage has exceeded 1,100 and our dog continues to make new friends.

I am going to start with the end of our day and then work our way back.

We are now super-comfy in our rooms. Larry is in the room next to us, likely reading a book or sleeping at this point. Garrett and I are side-by-side on computers in bed, with Zeke chomping on a bully stick on the floor. Football is playing in the background.

The city is Durango, Colorado and the hotel, Durango Downtown Inn. The Animas River flows outside our room. We are here another night, so our sights are set on Durango adventures in the morning.

Zeke is quite the dog. Having a dog in tow on a road trip is not an easy feat. From finding hotels that take dogs to locating grassy areas in the high desert for doggy potty breaks, it is all about Zeke.

We don't mind.

Puppy Wuppy. Zekerdoodle. Woof-Woof. All nicknames for our 60 pound, 6 month-old Goldendoodle. And he hears them often.

Always the social pup, Zeke fills his days making friends. Tonight it took some time to find a restaurant with a menu to our liking that allowed dogs to stay with us on their patio. We found the perfect spot in Downtown Durango at The Seasons restaurant. Dog-friendly with a spot for Zeke to hold court. Greeting everyone who passed, almost all stopped to chat and pet our pup.

Forgetting I was in Durango, I did a double take after hearing a woman exclaim "It's Zeke!" as they walked by our thoughtful spot. First I smiled and then I was confused. How in the world would someone in Colorado know Zeke by name?

It took a few seconds until I recognized the couple. We parked next to them at gas station stop in Chama, New Mexico. I gave her husband directions to the bathrooms. Seventy miles and several hours later, we met again in Downtown Durango. And she knew Zeke right away. We can't take him anywhere....

A fun day topped off by a nice night on the patio. Zeke sniffed dozens of dogs and enthusiastically allowed every child to swoon over him as he held his patio corner post. Anxiously awaiting every passerby, Zeke made the most the interactions. Such a lovable pup.

The French speaking couple, we didn't understand a word, but Zeke spoke their language as they conversed with rubs and snuggles over the patio fence. Children full of giggles looked him square in the eye. And vacationing adults told us how much they missed their own pets at home while admiring our golden puppy.

We started the day with a quiet walk around Santa Fe's Railyard Park. Just Garrett, me and Zeke. Peaceful. Coffee in hand and a dog's heaven. No alarm clocks were set. Workout time at the hotel gym. A great complimentary breakfast at the hotel lobby and then off to take a day trip to Taos.

With picturesque scenery and open windows, we took in the day. Zeke with his head out the window and the rest of us letting the air come to us.

No timelines and lots of options, we checked out the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Zeke enjoyed the walk. We enjoyed the views. I just tried not to look down.

As we exited out of the Gorge and following a map suggestion, we found ourselves on a gravel road leading to the bottom next to the river. After a few seconds of panic on my part, I found that the off-road drive was worth the visual benefits. Lines of fisherman were finding success in their trout-fishing. Campgrounds were abound and we had two sightings of big-horned sheep.

Eventually we made our way back up to Highway 84 which was highlighted in my Rand McNally as a Red Ribbon Scenic Highway. And it did not disappoint. The views on our drive were breathtaking. Traveling from Pagosa Springs to Durango, I saw a piece of Colorado that I had never before experienced.

And here we are in Durango; with Zeke making new and old friends and Larry reminding us that a strict timeline is overrated.

Tomorrow will be all about Durango. I am sure it will be a new adventure unlike any I've had before.

And I am sure Zeke will lead the way.

Zeke in our hotel room. Wondering what Mom & Dad are doing.


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