Day 20 | 30 Days of Writing
Larry checking out the gorgeous views from Bryce Canyon |
We are nestled into a La Quinta in St. George, Utah. After a day full of two national parks, topped off with the company of great friends, we are ready for some rest. Garrett and I did just get in some time in the hotel hot tub. Zeke and Grandpa Larry alternatively held down the fort in the hotel room and found their own ways of winding down.
As is typical of ending our days together, Garrett was the first to ask me the question, "What was you favorite part of the day?"
I didn't even have to think about it. It was Bryce Canyon and the great surprise we all had in taking in it's immense and unexpected beauty. It was especially wonderful to see how much Larry enjoyed it.
"If I would have known about this, it would have definitely been on my bucket list!"
No need to add it, Larry. We can now mark this marvel of nature off the list.
The morning started with a breakfast of to-go coffee and prepackaged boiled eggs out of Ruby's General Store. We slowly tracked up the 18 mile scenic route through Bryce Canyon via car. My Frommer's Guide recommended stops at Inspiration Point and at the Canyon Turnaround. We chose to stop at the first lot with a viewing area.
I thought it would be a quick stop with a lot of the same of what we had seen when we entered the canyon the night previously. Instead we were blown away with the awe of nature's landscape. There was an audible exclamation of this from Larry. It was literally breath-taking.
We proceeded to stop at almost every scenic point offered to us and found the landscape of the rock offering differing views, each a varying marvel to the eye. Both Larry and Zeke eagerly got out at each stop, like kids going to a playground. Garrett and I got off the beaten path, once or twice, while Larry just took it all in, commenting on the quality of the air and how these views never get old. Zeke continued to make a lot of friends. I feel like we have attracted the paparazzi with this pup in tow.
Moving on to our second national park, Zion National Park, we had an opposite experience. It was packed full of people, cars, and shuttle buses. The Visitor Center alone was begot with lines. Lines to park. Lines to use the restroom. Lines to get around the park grounds. We then found out that the only way to tour the park was by shuttle bus. No cars allowed which equates to no Zeke. Which equated to our leaving the park. It was way too hot to leave the pup in the car while we took a shuttle.
Garrett seconded my comment that the park felt like being in Disneyland. The crazy part was that it was a Thursday in late September. So noted for future trips to this area. Next time we will hit the earliest shuttle with back packs in tow and not a dog.
But as with all of our drives to date, we were able to take in the beauty of Zion out of our car windows as we drove along. It wasn't the drive we wanted, but a site for our eyes, nonetheless.
Next stop was St. George, Utah, spending time with old friends who live there. A dinner of pizza with great conversation while watching Zeke learn how to play with an old dog (pug) was entertaining to say the least. There have been a lot of firsts and puppy learnings for Zeke on this trip.
For Larry, he battles the other end of the life spectrum as he works through the quirks of aging. This gets even more challenging while on a long road trip. Things like the timing of meds with meals, need for sleep, or getting through a bout of not feeling well. As Larry frequently tells us "it sucks to get old". But we try to manage through together. He and I have switched spots in the car for a while with Larry taking the front passenger seat. And having the company of a puppy keeps us all youthful and smiling.
We are reminded each day on this trip that the best things in life aren't bought and paid for. They are the moments in time filled with the beauty we see and the time we spend with those we love. The frosting on the cake is when we experience these things at the same time.
Bryce views |
Zeke's typical vantage point in the car |
The back seat isn't so bad |
Bryce natural bridge |
Bryce beauty |
Family picture |
My only pic of Zion |
Down for the count! |
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