September 28, 2018: Kingman

Day 21 | 30 Days of Writing

The parents

We made it to Kingman, AZ. It's been way too long. I love both the laid back pace and the great company. Now not only do I get to spend time with my parents, but my newly Arizona transplanted brother, Matt, as well.

About a month ago when we were planning this trip, my father-in-law, Larry, was waffling on joining us. His reasons were valid, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I really wanted our road trip to happen and to have Larry be a part of it. After a lengthy discussion, listening through his list of pros and cons, I finally came clean with him.

"You've never met my parents. It would really mean a lot to me for you and my parents to meet. This may be the only chance."

My parents are perfectly happy in their new house and are done with the hassles of TSA and airports. We now go to them rather than them to us. Fair enough. I owe them big for all the times they bailed me out when the boys were growing up and I was landlocked.

Larry is getting close to feeling the same way. And I really wanted to get in our last-hurrah road trip.

Finally he gave in and said "You're the boss." Music to my ears. Our road trip was on and planning went into full swing. We made sure we got three nights in Kingman and that our visit there hit mid-trip.

Today is day six into our travel and we have arrived in Kingman. Our morning started in St. George with time for a hotel workout and enjoying our complimentary breakfast (travelers favorite). We then progressed south from Utah into Nevada and then to our ultimate destination of Arizona.

Zeke and Matt, together again
Waiting for brother Matt to get off work, Larry and Garrett got the tour of my parents new house (I had seen it at my last visit in February). As we sat in their living room, I listened to the conversations on days of old and their life stories. I smiled while listening and learned a few new things along the way.

Who knew that you could buy a house filled with the belongings of the prior owner? Larry bought his house in Monterey stocked full of Agnes' household goods, down to her undergarments still in a dresser drawer. I hadn't a clue that my parents bought their home in Remsen with prior owners belongings as well. Although Mom didn't note undergarments left behind, back in 1966 she and Dad did walk into a fully furnished home. I had never heard these stories before.

Dinner was at a downtown Mexican restaurant. By this time it was as though Larry and my parents were long lost friends, swapping stories and life experiences.

Andy Devine Days were going on in Downtown Kingman. We strolled around and checked out the vendor offerings. As expected, Mom and I found some treasures with leather earrings and for me, a Kingman turquoise necklace.

Zeke was thrilled to see his Uncle Matt again. And I am quite sure Matt felt the same way. The two of them are currently playing a game of keep-away on the floor. Our collective parents are now tucked into their beds with the important planning for morning coffee complete.

We ended our night with a quiet walk around the neighborhood, enjoying a desert mountain sunset. This really is Arizona bliss at it's best.

Zeke makes himself comfortable at my parents' house

My text pic to my brother, letting him know we made it

Matt wrestles with Zeke, who made himself comfortable on Matt's bed

Necklace purchase

Arizona sky


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