September 20, 2018: Winner!

Day 13 | 30 Days of Writing

It is official. I won! I finished the Old Chicago mini-Oktoberfest-tour and won the coveted sweatshirt. 

I have been eying this treasure ever since the mini-tour was announced on 9/1. Old Chicago gave me twenty-five days to complete the tour, which entailed drinking/eating twelve items off of their exclusive Oktoberfest menu. No doubling items for credit and only four credits allowed per day. Game on!

The minute I saw it, I knew I had to win it. As I explained to Garrett on our first night out, post-tour-announcement, that only beer and pizza sounded good to me, Garrett was suspect. And then when we arrived at OC and I only allowed him to order from twelve choices (Oktoberfest menu), he knew I was up to something.

"They've got you hooked on 'winning a prize', don't they? Come on, what is it?"

I quickly pointed out the sweatshirt on display.

"Garrett, I REALLY want that sweatshirt. And this is totally doable. We don't leave town until the twenty-second. We've got this."

Being the nice husband that he is, he humored me.

Later in the month, he asked where we should start my birthday celebration for a late lunch. Garrett shook his head as I chose OC in the Old Market.

"I'm really craving the mini-bratwurst pizza." I explained.

I remember how excited my boys would get when we would go to events that involved silent auctions. They would talk Scott or me into bidding on certain items, usually some sort of sports memorabilia or boy outing. Then they would get super competitive, trying to win and constantly watching to make sure no one was outbidding us. Getting caught up in the hoopla, it was only later when I was paying for our 'winnings' that I realized who really won.

I guess I know where the boys learned this trait. But will also say that OC and I are equal winners. Loyalty has it's benefits. They do send me a lot of discount coupons, including a free large pizza during my birthday month. I love to use all the great offers they keep sending. 

This week as we planned our nightly meals upon my father-in-law, Larry's, arrival, I snuck in an Old Chicago night. 

"Of course" was Garrett's response.

Larry thought my idea was a great one as he hadn't been to Old Chicago in a while. Garrett reminded me that I should be happy that he actually really does like their pizza. We used our max four earned credits at our dinner last night when I noticed we were one credit short of my sweatshirt. Knowing we only had a day until our road trip, I knew I needed to get creative.

I wanted that sweatshirt. I needed that sweatshirt.

Today Larry and I took off to run some afternoon errands. Garrett stayed back to mow the lawn. After stops at Scheel's, Menard's, and Costco, I let Larry in on my little secret.

"Hey, we have to swing by Old Chicago really quick to earn my last credit for their Oktoberfest tour. One beer. You game?'

I didn't have to ask him twice. Within two minutes of being seated, our waitress from the night before came up to our table, recognizing us immediately. She knew I was back for the sweatshirt. It was now mine. 

We did get busted as Garrett sent a text mid-beer asking what happened to the yard waste bags we were instructed to pick up from Menard's.

I responded with this picture taken by our waitress, showing off my prize. Loyalty does have it's rewards. My sweatshirt is now being laundered so it can make our road trip. Larry thinks I have good ideas.


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