September 8, 2018: A New Chapter

Day 1 | 30 Days of Writing

The new normal

A week ago our new chapter of empty-nesting officially began. Our collective kids have moved on with their lives outside of Omaha, with Garrett's youngest leaving last Thursday. The sounds of our house are now filled with just me and Garrett, with our dog, Zeke, constantly at our heels. Our cat, Abby, is mostly hiding from the dog, with an occasional ruckus coming from battles between dog and cat.

Yes, we are adjusting nicely.

Two weekends in, we have found our quiet weekends full of dog walks, movies, football, house maintenance, food management, and peaceful conversations over a drink or dinner. Last night was no exception.

After an early movie and Costco run, Garrett and I found ourselves enjoying some tacos and margaritas. Finally feeling out of my initial fog of life transition, I was anxious to talk to my husband, now free of interruptions and the pressures of a full calendar.

My biggest challenge hasn't been the void of Grant graduating and moving to Colorado.  It's looking in the mirror and facing the challenge of finding and fulfilling my life purpose. A new chapter with no excuses. It's time.

Over a margarita, I proceeded to map out my life journey since leaving my comfortable CPA existence six years ago. From a founding partner of a healthcare start-up to having my own consulting company, it has been a wild, but fun ride. I have no regrets. Instead, I have the great opportunity of a blank canvas. The world is mine to take, ours to have.

I have often professed that purpose isn't as much a selection process as it is an elimination process. My palette of life experiences is now very full. I feel a huge desire to be more focused on a purpose-driven life.

So I asked my husband what he thought.

His response wasn't what I expected. He told me to write and to write a lot, not just casually. He told me to follow passions I have around creative ventures. He didn't tell me the easy answers. As the person who knows me best, my heart was bursting thinking about the prospects ahead following his good advice. There is no better feeling than being truly understood and valued.

Just start writing, he told me. And at the same time, you need to move on some of your ideas. Your passion is there. Just do it.

I have had on my list for months to start a 30-day writing project. I added it to my list on February 5, 2018, but have yet to act on it. So today is the day. Day 1 of 30 days of writing begins now. Time to start working the kinks out and grow my creative side. Tomorrow I will start mapping out the next steps of my other ventures.

The promise and pain of a new beginning can be a beautiful thing. Chapter 4...bring it on!


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