July 1, 2013: God's Grace

(The following is a guest post by Patty Johnson. In her preface she is referring to my June 23th blog post entitled "Fear")

I saw your blog today and wanted to share one of the poems/prayer I wrote yesterday when Julian was sleeping in my arms. Written for all mothers:

God's Grace

By the grace of this sleeping baby,  I know God's love,

Who is this little miracle that lights up my world from morning to night?

Who does the cherub cheeks and silky skin, beautiful baby come from?

His eyes so pure and smile so warm...
His love apparent...
My heart is saturated by the idea  that I am needed by him

Why am I so blessed to mold a little person into a young man some day?

Who is this creation of God?  He touches me so deep within that my nightly fears  of any possible harm brings pain so deep, I can barely breathe.

His breath is my breath.  His cry is my worry as forever it will be, his love is my heart and his pain is my anguish.

Dear God. Thank you for this baby of blue eyes that are like ponds and seas And red lips are like strawberries

Please God, let me never live to see him harmed or pained, protect my baby and let him understand the depth of my love someday.  Teach me to care for him like he deserves.  And show him the way to a life of your love.



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