June 24, 2013: ordinary-people-doing-extraordinary-things

I admire extraordinary people. Let me clarify. I admire ordinary people who have accomplished above-ordinary feats. Extraordinary.

Many types of admirable qualities fall within this class of people:  Showing perseverance in conquering a fear or quest, accomplishing great things with the blessing of a second chance, or overcoming obstacles with courage. All of these qualities exemplify the best in class.

I do have dreams of writing a book one day. I want to write a collection of stories on extraordinary people. True stories about real people who fit my vision of extraordinary. I make mental notes of special people I have met along the way in this fun journey of life. Some are chance encounters and others, lifelong friendships. Their life stories are those I want to share.

A friend who grew up with nothing, but accomplished great things; both in her professional life and in her long lasting marriage. I tell her story often as a comparison to those born with a silver spoon; access to everything, want for nothing, and no self-motivation. My friend forged forward over every hurdle put in front of her. Dedication. Drive. Love.

A homeless man who became victim to alcohol.  Given a second chance, he gained sobriety and later became director of the homeless shelter. He paid it forward for years; working to ensure shelter, food, and second chances for those living in his past demise.  Inspiration. Guts. Faith.

My mom sent me a CD she burned with her favorite songs. One of the songs was Susan Boyle’s coming out song on 2009 Britains have Talent. This frumpy lady took the stage that year to quiet giggles and cynical looks. Then she belted out a song with the most incredible vocals; an exceptional rendition to “I Dreamed a Dream”.

After listening to the forgotten solo, I pulled the You-Tube video to watch it again. This video never gets old. And then I cried. I felt immense joy for this seemingly ordinary woman. The mocking smiles of the crowd were gone; replaced with a roaring standing ovation. Success. Talent. Courage.

I love a happy ending. I'm always rooting for the underdog. And I'm a believer in second chances. I can't wait to write the book.


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