June 11, 2013: Pool Party

Life is busy. Sometimes too busy to stop and smell the roses. Tonight some of my favorite girlfriends planned a pool party. I would have every excuse not to attend...too busy...kid commitments...work obligations. But my instinct told me otherwise. I wanted some down time with girlfriends. And the decision paid dividends. A good choice.

We sat around the pool. In the water, out of the water, by the pool...good times with good friends. Margaritas were a plenty and chips and salsa within hands reach. The humid Nebraska summer night showed its face again. Perfect for a pool party.

We shared life. We caught up. We laughed and we smiled. I observed something with this group of women. Positivity. No negative comments. No gossip. We lift each other up. The way it should be. Life is stressful enough. We don't need drama. Encouragement is welcome. Sisterhood and acceptance...<3.

A friend once told me that we all need balcony friends; those who cheer you on from the balcony and pull you up. Life is too short to hang with those who pull you down. I love my balcony friends. Challenging and supporting each other is a good thing.

So tonight was a toast to all girlfriends who sit in the balcony and cheer each other on. We all need a lift once and  a while. Life isn't easy. The view up is much better. Smile. Laugh. Share. Sisterhood #love.


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