September 30, 2018: Writing Assignment

Day 23 | 30 Days of Writing Last night in Kingman Today was our last day in Kingman before we hit the road again. It doesn't feel like we've been gone for over a week. In fact, thinking about being back home next Sunday made me a little sad. Our epic road trip is living up to expectations and going by way too quickly. I also noted that my 30 day writing exercise coincidentally ends with day 30 being the night we pull back into our driveway. Thoughts were starting to stir on which writing project I should take on next. Mom helped relieve me of this decision. I am now officially on the the writing team for the Pick Family History book. We spent the afternoon going through Mom's mounds of documents, files, and research with her. Google file sharing will be our saving grace as other contributors include mom's brothers in DC and Indiana, and sister in Idaho. My very organized mother white-boarded her outline of the book contents with many notes on key points...