
Showing posts from September, 2018

September 30, 2018: Writing Assignment

Day 23 | 30 Days of Writing Last night in Kingman Today was our last day in Kingman before we hit the road again. It doesn't feel like we've been gone for over a week. In fact, thinking about being back home next Sunday made me a little sad. Our epic road trip is living up to expectations and going by way too quickly. I also noted that my 30 day writing exercise coincidentally ends with day 30 being the night we pull back into our driveway. Thoughts were starting to stir on which writing project I should take on next. Mom helped relieve me of this decision. I am now officially on the the writing team for the Pick Family History book. We spent the afternoon going through Mom's mounds of documents, files, and research with her. Google file sharing will be our saving grace as other contributors include mom's brothers in DC and Indiana, and sister in Idaho. My very organized mother white-boarded her outline of the book contents with many notes on key points...

September 29, 2018: It's a Dog's Life

Day 22 | 30 Days of Writing Zeke enjoying his chewy stick at Uncle Matt's house Day 2 in Kingman, Arizona. My brother, Matt, has now said on at least a couple of occasions, "Today was a perfect day." And that it was. We hung out all day with Zeke as the center of our attention. From football watching to dog walks, light conversations were ongoing with a set agenda non-existent. My husband, the Purdue grad, was very happy with the main game outcome today. Zeke didn't take sides, although he does now have his first two team bandanas to wear proudly on game days. These gifts from Uncle Matt include a blue NAU and a golden Iowa number. Matt worked on his bike in the garage for bits of the afternoon while Mom and I sat at the table with computer and iPads. Football games were on at least three TV/device screens throughout the day. Zeke rotated from garage to the living room to the backyard, depending on the human of interest and doggy desire of the moment. ...

September 28, 2018: Kingman

Day 21 | 30 Days of Writing The parents We made it to Kingman, AZ. It's been way too long. I love both the laid back pace and the great company. Now not only do I get to spend time with my parents, but my newly Arizona transplanted brother, Matt, as well. About a month ago when we were planning this trip, my father-in-law, Larry, was waffling on joining us. His reasons were valid, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I really wanted our road trip to happen and to have Larry be a part of it. After a lengthy discussion, listening through his list of pros and cons, I finally came clean with him. "You've never met my parents. It would really mean a lot to me for you and my parents to meet. This may be the only chance." My parents are perfectly happy in their new house and are done with the hassles of TSA and airports. We now go to them rather than them to us. Fair enough. I owe them big for all the times they bailed me out when the boys were growing up ...

September 27,2018: Utah

Day 20 | 30 Days of Writing Larry checking out the gorgeous views from Bryce Canyon We are nestled into a La Quinta in St. George, Utah. After a day full of two national parks, topped off with the company of great friends, we are ready for some rest. Garrett and I did just get in some time in the hotel hot tub. Zeke and Grandpa Larry alternatively held down the fort in the hotel room and found their own ways of winding down. As is typical of ending our days together, Garrett was the first to ask me the question, "What was you favorite part of the day?" I didn't even have to think about it. It was Bryce Canyon and the great surprise we all had in taking in it's immense and unexpected beauty. It was especially wonderful to see how much Larry enjoyed it. "If I would have known about this, it would have definitely been on my bucket list!" No need to add it, Larry. We can now mark this marvel of nature off the list. The morning started with a brea...

September 26, 2108: Bryce Canyon

Day 19 | 30 Days of Writing Zeke was all about the walk around the campgrounds, but not so keen about posing for a picture Our trip odometer has now surpassed 1,750 miles and we've been in 7 states (Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah). All over a span of 5 days. We are currently cozied in at Ruby's Inn in Bryce Canyon, Utah. Zeke is noisily chewing a bone, Larry is sound asleep, and Garrett and I are on dueling computers. Our dinner was a down-home buffet, cowboy-style, straight from Ruby's Cowboy Room. That was enough for Larry. He is down for the count. As for Zeke, now that's a different story. Garrett took him for a walk before we went to dinner. And although a long drive today to get here, he had a walk when we woke up and a lot of stops on the way. But having a puppy is like having a toddler. Boundless energy. I decided to check out Ruby's immense grounds with the pup after dinner. The video below was how our walk start...

September 25, 2018: Wonder

Day 18 | 30 Days of Writing Getting ready to board our cabin with the Marshall won·der ˈwÉ™ndÉ™r/ noun 1. a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. "he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child" My favorite videos to watch are tear-jerkers full of wonder and joy. The baby getting a cochlear implant and hearing her mother's voice for the first time. The boy putting on glasses that allow him to see color after being color-blind his entire life. Their response to these everyday experiences is unfiltered pure joy. We all watch them over and over again. Wonder and joy are beautiful things. Not taking for granted everyday and hidden treasures is equally gratifying. Today we took a train ride. A treasure nothing short of spectacular. Larry and I left Durango at 8:00 a.m. via the historic Durango & Silv...