May 7, 2013: My New Home Office

Summer office space
My new home office furniture was delivered today. At least for use over the summer months. Some may call it patio furniture. I refer to it as versatile  Just my style. I am anxious for my clematis vines to grow and the addition of summer annuals for added ambiance.

Zach pulled through with the assembly and there was a lot. I was amazed that so many pieces of furniture fit into the small delivered box. "They are really good at packing it in, Ma'am" was the answer the young delivery man gave me. So on this sunny afternoon in Omaha, Zach carefully assembled the many pieces that were crammed in the Sears box.

The final product brought me much happiness and a big smile. Comfort and warm color wrapped into a functional seating arrangement. And it actually looked just like the photo on the Internet. Score.

By nightfall, I couldn't resist trying out my new digs. I sat cozily wrapped up in my fur blanket from the living room while sipping a Summer Shandy and typing on my computer. All was well until drops started falling from the sky. Tomorrow I will have to venture the ten steps to the hot tub if nature doesn't cooperate for computer work. The joy of home living with a great, not-so-secret, space.

View facing east
Note that the bulbs in the background have not yet bloomed


  1. You turned your patio into your office? That’s cool! The open space can give you time to breathe in some fresh air when you need some. But wouldn’t it be distracting to work under the sun?



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