May 18,2013: Saturday Minute Report

Old Market libations
  8:30 a.m.: Slept in (check)

  8:45 a.m.: Cup of coffee from Keurig while checking a kazillion e-mails (check)

  9:45 a.m.: Decision made on workout schedule. Garrett to run and a bike ride for me (check)

10:00 a.m.: Air in bike tires, water bottle prepared, sun screen slathered on face (check)

10:15 a.m.: I begin a glorious 22.29 mile ride. I met two friends riding on the trail. Weather is spectacular and I surpass my average MPH and time from previous ride (check)

11:40 a.m.: Back from the ride. Catch up with Stefano and Garrett. Hot shower (check)

12:10 p.m.: Lunch of cereal with fresh fruit. Make a list for the day. Realize that Ben didn't actually spend the night; just his car. More e-mails and reading (check)

1:00 p.m.: Plant shopping at Lowe's with Garrett. He gets a medal for his valiant participation in my flower choosing. Four pots, thirty-eight plants, one bottle of release fertilizer, one bag of grass seed, and one Mountain Dew later (GB treat for enduring), we fill up my Acura and head for home (check)

2:05 p.m: Planting time. It is a bit hot, more than we anticipated. All beds and pots were filled. Vines and trellises secured with twine roped for guidance. Grass-less spots were racked in the lawn with seed planted. The back shed cleaned out, hoses organized, and everything with a root, watered (check)

3:45 p.m.: The backyard was more work than anticipated. Another shower (check)

4:15 p.m.: Catch up on accumulated phone calls, text messages, and e-mails (check)

4:40 p.m.: Garrett and I head to the Old Market with sun roof wide open (check)

5:10 p.m.: To the Embassy Suites for a law school graduation party. Caught up with old friends and met a few new (check)

6:15 p.m.: A little reminiscing as we leave Embassy Suites. This is where Garrett stayed the night of our first date in Omaha. Our first kiss (awwww....). I get another kiss (check)

6:25 p.m.: A walk down Howard Street and a decision on Stokes for dinner. Garrett orders blue margaritas and we chose a couple of appetizers to share on their outdoor patio. The Market is bustling with people while Garrett and I enjoy the night (check)

8:30 p.m. We arrive home to Stefano finishing up the lawn edging and updating us on his versatile weed eater purchase from Sears. Abby is meowing for her nightly meal and a few more e-mails await. Laundry loads are changed (check)

9:10 p.m. We ended the night as we started; with dueling computers on our laps and in comfy clothes. But instead of sitting at the kitchen table, we sat outside and enjoyed the surrounding fruits of our day's labor. A good Saturday (check)


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