August 9, 2013: Friday: The Doobie's

Robbie enjoying the concert in her "leg-warmers"
It has been quite the weekend. It's felt a bit like a flashback to my college years. Concerts, packs of friends, late nights, dining after midnight....all rolled up in one weekend.

There is one conclusion I have come to: What we did night after night, weekend after weekend at age twenty is much more difficult to pull off in one solo weekend at age forty-five. But I'm giving it the good-old college try.

Let's start at the beginning; Friday night. After a day of work and great anticipation of our Ohio guests arriving, things didn't go quite as planned. Cindy and Rick notified us with a quick text that they would be delayed by four hours. Details would emerge later. Bummer.

Friday night's crown jewel activity was an outdoor concert put on by the Doobie Brothers. And it didn't disappoint. There is nothing better on a warm summer night than to pick up a space on a grassy knoll and listen to a 70's rock band. Based on the look of the over-40 crowd, they agreed with my assessment.

Sitting among friends, we grooved to China Grove and danced in a non-rhythmic manner as we "listened to the music". The attorney sitting in front of me played the air guitar through most of the concert. And the grandma to my left, never sat down as she shook her bootie through the entire performance. Yes, I am pretty sure all felt twenty years old that night too.

The Doobie's wrapped early and our congregation of friends moved on to the Old Market anticipating Rick and Cindy's late arrival. Post-concert drinks and dining among laughs of friends emerged. The story of the night centered around the Snide's travel debacle. We all learned the "rest of the story" on the outdoor patio of the Twisted Fork.

Although a blog story of itself, I will summarize by saying that Rick's pink hand gun in his brief case was frowned upon by TSA. I will leave it at that as a great takeaway for all travelers. That pink pistol cost him a spot on the grass at Stir Cove. A Doobie delay. Lesson learned.


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