August 29, 2013: Pre-Game

Me- attempting locker art
I got an e-mail yesterday with logistics on football moms decorating their son's school lockers. It came as a surprise to me. In all my years as a football mom, I hadn't a clue that it was my job to decorate their locker for game day. Reading the e-mail, I wondered if Ben and Zach were greeted by blank locker doors all those past game days. <fail>.

With my quest to be a fully engaged 8th grade and senior mom, I took in the e-mail details. An event was added to my Outlook calendar. Good to go. Or so I thought.

Not understanding the potential planning involved, I assumed a quick run through my art room five minutes prior would suffice. Grabbing scissors, colored paper, and markers; I was set. Most moms didn't even have an art room, I surmised. So I brought extras to share with the less fortunate.

Zach made the unfortunate decision to stop home an hour before my designated locker decoration time. With a little coaxing, he agreed to help. I would add that my purchase of his dinner at Chipotle probably had an impact. Certainly a graduate of Skutt and former football player would add value. I welcomed the help.

So with art supplies in hand, we met the moms at Skutt. They, too, were prepared. Really prepared. There were Nobbie's bags full of party favors, garbage bags full of balloons, and pre-printed computerized posters. The quality of the artwork was fitting of a graphic artist.

Hmmmm. When all else fails, bubble letters. Yep, I went with bubble letters. And fortunately I grabbed a couple of cute Ben baby pictures. Zach drew a football and I cut my handmade bubble letters. And then I free-handed more bubble letters. Ben's jersey number, #9....HUGE bubble letters.

As I boldly cut out my creations, Zach spoke what I observed. "Mom, are you sure you have enough stuff for his locker?" When all else fails, I employ the golden rule: Woo them with confidence.

"Zach, you will be amazed once I'm done." <Zach laughs>

Things were looking up as Zach and I taped my handmade treasures across Ben's locker. Not yet to the point of amazing, something awesome happened. The cool moms with the great locker accessories offered decor to me. We humbly took the gifts of green plastic grass skirting and inflated balloons. With a little special locker tape and some bubble letter rearranging, it came out...amazing. <success>.

Thank-you Skutt football moms for sharing and schooling me on proper locker decorating techniques. And thank-you, Marion, for making me feel better on my own personal locker sins of the past. I am glad after decorating only your senior's locker, you remembered you had another son on the team. Failure doesn't actually happen until you totally forget. <save>.

Zach moving a balloon once we realized
 the balloons were positioned like two boobs over a grass skirt
Awe and Amazement!!


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