August 27, 2013: Back to a Routine

Morning plant care
I love a routine. There, I said it. As much as I like to blog about my many adventures, meeting new people, and going to interesting places; home always feels good. Back in the saddle of a daily routine is a welcomed pleasure.

I have enjoyed three days of taking Grant to school. Without fail I have my ceramic cup filled with hot coffee in hand. The conversation varies, but the route stays the same. My mornings start with either my 5:30 run with friends or a later bike ride, dependent on the day. The perimeter of the house is perused upon my arrival home with plants watered as I tend to the blossoms on the foliage.

My Outlook calendar is my savior. On perfect "routine days", there are work meetings and lunches sprinkled in with plenty of time left in between for typing a daily blog, attending an occasional daily mass at Boys Town, and keeping up with e-mails and favorite reading.

Last night was Curriculum Night at St. Wenceslaus. Grant is an 8th Grader. This is my last hurrah. Many parts of me wanted to skip this event that was saved on my Outlook calendar. Our first year at Wenc was in 1998 with Zach as a kindergartner. This is my 15th year of grade school. I think I could put on most of the program at this point. I have the traffic pattern down and much of the curriculum nailed.

But Grant asked me to go. "Mom, you're going to Curriculum Night tonight, right?" he asked as I dropped him off at football. Of Course, Grant. Thanks for being my accountability partner. So much for the youngest child-8th grade itch. Grant is not giving me a Bye.

Grant was right. I was so glad I went. This annual school routine has now been extended to year fifteen. And I enjoyed it. I really didn't know everything about the curriculum this year. I learned a lot of new things. And more importantly, I loved seeing all the people; so many faces from years back and new friends were made.

I am appreciative for the great teachers who have taught and cared for my boys all of these years. Some hugs were definitely in order. Many of the parents who sat next to me in the little desks are on the same 10+ routine as me. Survivors. We sat in even smaller chairs eight years ago at Curriculum Night for our kindergartners. We are all now just a little older and I think a little smarter as parents as well.

Never wish time away. That is good advice. I think I'm going to enjoy this 8th Grade year. I'll savor my daily routines in raising this fine young 13 year-old and in my parental role at school too. No Bye for me. Tonight I have car pool. And I'm actually looking forward to it.


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