August 4, 2013 It's a Wrap

Our good-bye toast to the lake
The first sign of vacation being over was my two day lag in posting this blog. Reality of life on the Lane Ranch set in first thing Monday morning. It's taken me until this morning to come up for breath.

Sunday was our final day at Lake Okoboji. The Brucker's packed up and left in the wee hours to face their long drive home. The Lane's, on the other hand, slept in and took our time.

A mere three hours from home afforded us a casual pace. And the casual pace afforded us time to relax and reflect. My favorite family times are those not rushed and not a strict schedule. That was our ride home; starting with a vote on whether to take highways or interstate (interstate won) and which city/fast food to grab for lunch (Sheldon won).

Much conversation was had on funny and fun moments during our week on the lake. Comparisons were made to trips in years prior with a consensus on this being a very good vacation.

We decided after our mid-afternoon arrival home that vacation wasn't officially over until our heads hit our beds. Following another family vote, we grabbed Chipotle and then saw the movie 2 Guns together. After the showing of the movie, my clock in car read 10:00 p.m. Time for bed. Vacation 2013 is now in the books. It's a wrap.


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