November 4, 2013: A Little Family History

Guest blogger and family historian, Mary Wagner, contributed today's blog post...

John & Mary (Smith) Galles Family, Remsen IA in the 1940’s  
The John & Mary (Smith) Galles family members are John, Mary & children Lenora (Mrs. Dan Raher), Hilary, Armella (Mrs. Fred Heidesch),  Julius, Alphonse, Louis, & my mother-in-law Marie  (Mrs. Gilbert Wagner).  The children blessed John & Mary with thirty-three grandchildren.

Married February 4, 1896, St. Mary’s Catholic  Church, Remsen IA, it was a steadfast belief in God & prayer  that guided them  throughout their lives as farmers in Plymouth County/northwest Iowa. 

Proud, hard workers, honest & unassuming describes both Mary & John with John the quiet one and Mary, less quiet.  Pivotal to the Galles Family were family, church & work with a little fun thrown in for good measure.

Courtesy of Mary (Pick) Wagner


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