November 11, 2013: A Warm Glove

My Creighton comrades
Last night was my first Creighton game of the season. And it felt just like a warm glove. Maybe this analogy struck me since it was the first cold night of the season. But regardless, that's how it felt; comfortable, warm, inviting.

My day was generally chaotic. With an evening meeting that ran over, I sped to the Century Link. My thoughts weren't on Creighton basketball, but on whether I remembered my ticket and the almost single temp showing on my dash. It wasn't until I walked came up the escalator and saw familiar faces at ticket scanning that I remembered how much I love Creighton game nights.

I breathed an instant sigh of relief and relaxation. Right at home. I completely forgot what this experience felt like. Missing tip off, I proceeded to the wrist band station. I immediately spotted my favorite beer girl, Terri, under the Irish Pub sign by my seats. Last season they moved her to another location. She was now strategically back where she belonged. Score.

My section was filled with friends and fellows fans; the same ticket holders who have occupied my neighboring seats for years. Following hugs, smiles and greetings, our focus went back to the game. I really missed my CU comrades.

Everything Big East is cool. A new logo. A new enormous scoreboard. Picture perfect clarity on the big screen. Lots of new, but with the comforts of old. Tradition. Friends. Blue jay pride.

I found my handsome brother for a hug. And then my beautiful aunt found me. A Jays win followed with a score worthy of a free Godfather's mini-pizza. Definitely a warm glove for a cold night.


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