November 3, 2013: A Blustery Day

On this very windy November Sunday, I remembered this old blog post and thought it worthy of a repeat...

As I walked into work this morning and shared "good morning" pleasantries with a co-worker, the comment came out of my mouth, "What a blustery Pooh Bear day".  Anyone who lives in Omaha can relate to my blustery comment as the wind shook all of our houses in the wee hours as we lay in bed.  And anyone who has raised children can relate to the Pooh Bear comment as most, like me, spent many hours during our kids' toddler years reading Winnie the Pooh books, watching countless videos, and tucking in our babes with the Pooh and Friends variety of stuffed animals.  I hadn't thought about my poor forgotten friend, Pooh, in years.  Yet this blustery Omaha morning, the visions of Pooh holding the hand of his dear friend, Piglet, quickly invaded my memory.

Now the Pooh days are a distant memory with the only memento left in my house; a Pooh picture frame displaying a baby photo of Zach.  This picture frame sits in his now vacant room within a cluster of other childhood photos.  Where did these 16 years go?  I can close my eyes and still feel his soft warm cheek nestled in the crook of my neck as I carried him to bed.  It is amazing how one can forget the detailed lines in a human face as the years pass, but can remember like yesterday the feeling of the human touch.

My consolation in "moving on" from my Pooh days of past is the secret pleasure I take in my grown sons' current obsession with their favorite Disney songs.  Although much of their talk is part of the coolness the 15 to 18 year old crowd has currently placed on their favorite Disney movie/song of their youth, I quietly take in this guilty pleasure.  "Mom, can I download Tarzan on your I-Pad?  Have you heard Phil Collins?  He is amazing in this album!"  I see them post You Tube videos of the Lion King on each other's FaceBook (yes, I do creep...don't tell) and am reminded that all of those toddler years of playing Disney cassette tapes, watching hours and hours of our Disney (and Pooh) VHS collection has stuck with them and given them fond memories as well.  Yep, it is the small things in life that make this mama happy.  Hakuna Matata!


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