November 12, 2013: The Good China

Thought for the day: Every day is special, so why wait to eat on the good china? Thank-you, Mom, for teaching me this wise lesson.

My china has been passed down from my grandparents. I fondly remember eating our childhood holiday dinners on these special dishes. I was the lucky recipient of this hand-me-down heirloom.

Mom has used her keen eye and resourcefulness in finding matching pieces for me at garage sales and on-line. My china set is now expansive and spectacular. I am the proud owner of a variety of dishes in the silver etched, blue-flowered pattern. The latest addition of mini butter plates are a perfect complement to the separately served hot rolls.

Tonight we sat down and ate as a family. I deemed it a special day; just because. So I broke out the china and served Gatorade in wine glasses. Then we took the extra-special step of eating in the dining room. With my Halloween village glowing in the background, we enjoyed our last Halloween hurrah as the decorations will be stored away this weekend. A great reason to eat pot roast and mash potatoes in the formal dining room.

The china has since been washed and put away. All wine glasses, less mine, have been returned to their stored positions. Zach went home with a full stomach. The two boys still inhabiting this house are abuzz upstairs. A dog is snoring on my lap and a candle burning with the smell of pumpkin ginger. Yep. Definitely a special night. Thanks for the tip, Mom.


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