October 5, 2013: Best Seat in the House

Watching a Husker win with my furry friends
I really like my seats at Memorial Stadium. We sit on the east side between the band and team parents. About sixteen seats up, the boys like the great view to the field. Although I enjoy this as well, I also like to watch the players on the sideline and all the hoopla that happens near the field.

Late in the week we chose to sell our tickets and watch from home. Between Grant's morning football game and Ben's homecoming, it felt like a good decision. But there is always some reservation about missing out in the live venue of Memorial Stadium. Watching Kenny Bell's one-handed catch was an after-the-fact reminder of this.

But all is good. No regrets. Based on the picture above, you can conclude that the comforts of my home were enjoyed by all. Kenny Bell looked just as good on my big screen. And nap time between the great plays was divine. My furry friends were happy and the Husker win; just as good.

We started our day with Grant's 8:00 football game at South High. Although very cold and a loss; having time to grab a big breakfast at Louie M's was a good call. Rather than finding Grant a ride home while Garrett and I rushed to Lincoln, we instead enjoyed some good local grub and a relaxed ride home.

Full from our breakfast of homemade sausages, biscuits and gravy, and breakfast burrito; we meandered our way home. Instead of our typical pre-game greeting of a sea of Big Red tailgates and 90,000 of our favorite fans, we were greeted by the warm lull of my house.

Our dog and cat, Cookie and Abby, awaited. Ben was napping; nursing his injury and preparing for a long homecoming night. Grant went straight for the basement. With his own big screen, he could toggle between video games and the game on TV.

As for Garrett and I; Garrett picked his spot at the end of the couch with computer in hand. I opted to relax my full stomach and take a little afternoon nap. Thank goodness for TV replays. If I missed it live, I could catch it later.

My little spot at the end of the couch really was the best seat in the house. For today, it was better than Memorial's East Stadium. As for next week, no couch or home for us. we're taking the kids to Purdue for Nebraska's away game. I'm glad I'll be rested up.

Grant enjoying his post-game biscuits and gravy


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