October 11, 2013: Indiana Road Trip

Kids enjoying dinner by the fire
Although we did enjoy a road trip through Indiana, we technically started by flying into Chicago. We are enjoying a long weekend centered around some Nebraska football. The location is perfect for us to pack our three day weekend with family and fun.

Yesterday Garrett and I flew out from our respective cities, with our respective kids (a partial list), and met in Chicago. Our combined crew of six hit the ground running. With a short window of time in Chicago, we chose to tour the Sears Tower. The wait was long, but the view was stunning.

Lunch followed with delicious deep dish Giordano's pizza. We waited, but the caloric-filled treat was well worth it. Chicago was new to the Brucker kids, so we needed to hit the hot spots in the limited time we had.

But the jewel of the day was our trip to Indiana. Garrett's dad, Larry, lives in the cozy little town of Monterey, Indiana. We had the pleasure of visiting and enjoying his lovely abode. Our road trip was less than two hours with rural scenery much like Nebraska. It was just as good road trip are; scenic and not too terribly long.

Our time in Monterey was way too brief, but we enjoyed every minute. The kids threw the football outside for most of the night with no worries on the neighboring cemetery. Larry showed off his gun collection and gunsmith equipment. The boys were disappointed there wasn't enough time to go squirrel hunting.

Dinner was off the grill with homemade apple pie and baked beans with bacon. Larry and my beverage of choice was his homemade wine. The piano was played and a new lap top computer installed by Garrett. A good night. We ended it with some good conversation around the fire pit.

It amazes me how our busy lives take over and time is not proper allocated for visits like these. It has been three years since Garrett and my last visit to Monterey. It shouldn't take a Nebraska football game to get us there. So noted. I am already planning our next trip...

Grandpa Larry's apple pie


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