October 19, 2013: Back in Denver

The many faces of a day in Denver
It's been a while, but I'm back. On our drive from the airport, Garrett asked when I was here last. We went through our mental calendars and determined it was mid-August. Not like the old days when I was in Denver on a more frequent basis. But times and schedules change. Now Garrett is making the frequent flight to Omaha.

The next question that Garrett asked was whether I missed Denver. That’s a tough question. I love Denver. It's beautiful, the people are great, and it's a virtual playground for people like us who love the outdoors. But did I miss it? I couldn't honestly say that I did. This didn't make a lot of sense in my overly analytic brain, so I had to give my honest answer some additional thought.

After some brain-churning, I offered my simplistic explanation to Garrett. I don't miss places, I miss people. I miss relationships. I could go anywhere with Garrett and be happy because I'm with him. Going to Denver is just one of the many places that we enjoy together. I haven't historically had relationships here because I have never established a foundation in Denver. So (Garrett) don’t take my not missing Denver personally.

My personal definition of a foundation is relationship driven; through work, friends, kids’ activities, schools, church, neighbors. I don't have any of these in Denver. Thus my answer. I love the city, but don't necessarily miss it. Saying this out loud did make me long for more connections to this city by the Rockies. And as God always works, a couple of things played out to this favor.

Shortly after arrival, we went to view a property for sale. Garrett has been living in an apartment, waiting for a villa to come up for sale in his neighborhood of choice. The desired neighborhood is close to the foothills; on the fringe of town with all the wonderful outdoor amenities of living next to the Rockies. We rode our bikes from Garrett’s house to check out this prospective villa. And we liked it. A lot.

It backed to the golf course with tons of natural light shining in the many windows. The layout was ideal and basement unfinished, ready for Garrett’s specifications. I suddenly felt at home in this house. A little desk space in the kitchen won me over. The little nook looked out the east facing window. It had my name written all over it. My thoughtful spot.

After a discussion with the real estate agent, we decided that a bid would be put in. We wanted this villa. As Garrett and I continued our ride up Deer Creek, I envisioned paint colors and pot shelf designs. The rooms for the kids were solidified and a mental list developed on which cookbooks and ceramic baking dishes I would relocate to Denver.

I did everything I told myself not to do; I began calling this villa my second home. I started thinking of my words to describe this home. “Yes, we have a place in Denver too” as opposed to my typical response: “My boyfriend lives in Denver”.

Garrett’s previous house was always Garrett’s house. This new house would be a piece of me. And Garrett has given me full reign on decorating and space design. He has promised me a thoughtful spot. My very own.

By the time we finished our bike ride, we found out the house went under contract to someone other than us an hour before our showing. Although disappointed, we have avowed that God has another plan. And I now had a new hunger for a place of our own. The situation was not what we wanted, but it was fun to play house for a while; even if only for a quick bike ride.

God gave me another sign as we continued our evening. We joined a group of Garrett’s co-workers and their families for a dinner of Mexican followed by a hockey game. We had a ton of fun. And for the first time, I didn’t feel like Garrett’s girlfriend tagging along. There were new relationships; my friendships. Foundations being laid.

I think I’ll miss my Denver hockey friends when I go back to Omaha. And as for a new house in Denver……”We have a place in Denver” really has a good ring to it. 


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