October 29, 2013: Just Can't Let it Go
Our babysitter extraordinaire, Lisa Fey, with Benny and Zach Grant has a weakness. He just can't let things go. I get on him to make hard decisions as we clean his room and go through accumulated stacks of paper. Me: "Grant, we can give this toy to Goodwill. You haven't played with it in years." Grant: "But it was a gift from Grandma, Mom. We can't give it away." Me: "Grant, there is no reason to hold on to that birthday card from two years ago." Grant: "But, Mom, Aunt Joan wrote me a note in it. We can't throw it away." You get the picture. Cleaning out a closet or a drawer with Grant is a painful process. I pride myself on tidy spaces and a less is more philosophy, so I tend to cringe on Grant's hoarding tendencies. In Grant's defense, it really is the "stuff" with his perceived sentimental value that he wants to hold on to. Unfortunately, with our large circle of friends and family, most of his...