February 1, 2013: A Night Out

Ready for a night out on the town
(photography by Ben)
I'm going out. Yep, it's Friday and I'm ready. Well, ready for the gym, that is. If I time this right and wait another thirty minutes for 6:00, I should have my pick of the machines. It really is a great secret. The best night to go to the gym is a weekend night. Another great night is Valentine's or New Year's Eve. Everyone else is out, leaving the gym a personal playground. Nothing better.

In days past with a career and children who filled my weekdays; the gym was my own quiet bliss on nights that others felt appropriate for the bar or dinner out. It was a warm blanket after a long week. Tonight is a night just like that. After a busy work week entertaining new friends from Ireland and the typical kid shuffle, the gym sounds nothing short of therapy.

When I go, I will find the usual suspects; the over-sixty crowd and familiar faces of the Friday Night Gym Club. A friend tells a funny story of his sister who belonged to this secret club. His single sister, Mary, frequented her gym on Friday nights. She noticed a nice man with warm eyes who shared this gym routine with her. She found him attractive and nice and would pick up casual conversation with him centering on their workout routines and weather. He didn't wear a wedding ring.

One day Mary got the courage to introduce herself and joked about their commonality of the Friday night gym routine. Secretly hoping for a sharing of a coffee or refreshment at the gym cafe, Mary extended her hand to the kind man. He responded with a firm handshake back and his introduction of "Nice to meet you, Mary. I'm Fr. Tom from St. Elizabeth Parish." Yep, it made perfect sense. The priest worked out on Friday nights. Mary is still single.

I think of his story each time I go to the gym on these quiet nights; wondering if there is a priest or a Mary in the sparse crowd. It is a true statement that everyone has a story and I love to hear them.


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