January 26, 2019: The Boise Adventure | Home Sweet Home

Dinner in Boise after a movie at The Flicks My adventures in Boise are about to continue, albeit briefly, as I will be traveling again in a week. I am currently sitting on a plane that just departed Omaha, in route to Boise. It was a very cold, but a very productive (and extremely busy) week back for me in Omaha. It’s been almost a month since Garrett and I pulled out of our Omaha driveway for Boise with U-Haul in tow. Three weeks in Boise. One week in Omaha. My new normal. Well, at least for now. I am honestly unsure what my new normal will be for the long-term and I’m good with that. As my father-in-law explained to me the other day, “Sandy, you just get up in the morning and figure it out.” Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me. Although the main reason for my week back in Omaha is for business purposes with several on-going projects and clients based there, it also makes my time away from cherished Omaha friends feel almost nonexistent. True to my nature, t...