October 3, 2018: Day Date

Day 26 | 30 Days of Writing

Lunch with my date at a brewery in South Tahoe

Today Garrett and I had a day date. Missing our date nights but not quite realizing it, Aunt Linda and Larry told us we were on our own. They had their own plans for the day, even offering to take Zeke. But we instead chose to take the big baby pup with us.

While Larry, Linda, and Kenny shopped Costco and Trader Joe's for the menu items for our evening meal, Garrett and I (with Zeke in the back seat) took a driving tour around Lake Tahoe. I would describe the day as raining a lot. Garrett would argue that I'm exaggerating (note we didn't get out of the car other than to eat). But we were able to spend some time alone, catching up. A perfect afternoon even with the rain.

Tahoe views (clearly rain)

As we talked about life concerns and thoughts on our future plans, Garrett carefully maneuvered us around the curves and ascents into the Tahoe region. My husband loves for us to 'be on the same page' and talk things out. And although I give him a hard time about it, it is a quality about Garrett that I adore. He truly cares.

Following the signs
So he talked and I listened and then we talked some more and he listened. I do think life at 50 is as scary as life at 20. Lots of choices and forks in the road. As Garrett and I were running through our pent-up thoughts over the course of the last couple of weeks, I thought it ironic that I saw many warning signs along the byways we were driving.

Taking the good advice of the signs as we approached steep inclines,  I was reminded that in life we simply need to remember to take it slow. Especially around sharp curves.

Lunch was at the The Brewery at Lake Tahoe. Thus the picture Garrett snapped of me above. We enjoyed a cup of their tomato soup with salad and a sampling of their beers. A perfect lunch. I did nap a bit in the car after as we drove through the rain back to Reno. Garrett says I missed a nice ride through a state park. Next time.

Zeke was excited to get out of the car at Aunt Linda's and play with his furry cousins again. Linda, Kenny, and Larry were perfectly content with their day of shopping and hanging around the house. A win-win for all.

Garrett's cousin, Paula, and her fiancee came over to visit. For me it was a first meeting. For Garrett, it had been a very long time since he had last seen his cousin. Garrett worked on Aunt Linda's computer and then it took a village to fix a lamp problem. Larry did a good job supervising from the couch. Zeke couldn't get enough of the fenced yard in the foothills.

Dinner courtesy of Linda was a spectacular meal of grilled lamb chops with fresh veggies and golden mashed potatoes. Desert was pumpkin pie. Great conversation and the perfect company to end the night. Tomorrow we are going on a day adventure together. All of us. Rumor has it that we are going to introduce Zeke to lake swimming. More to come on that...

The colors of Lake Tahoe

Snow on the mountains

Group effort on fixing a lamp
(Garrett, cousin Paula and her fiancee, James)

Dinner devine

A tuckered out pup

Dogs wanting to assist with dishwashing


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