June 8, 2014: Lots of Plans and Lots of Changes

Tonight we had tickets to The Fray. The outdoor concert was to be at Red Rocks Amphitheater. This much-anticipated event would have been Jake's first concert and Zach's first Red Rocks experience. Garrett's friend, Gustavo, was in town from DC and was to join us as well.

But it wasn't meant to be. Gustavo evacuated early and the kids are instead watching Harry Potter in the basement. Our visions of a beautiful June night in the Rockies were rained on. In fact, they were poured on.

The term "rain, rain, go away" couldn't be more prevalent in my life right now. I think the black clouds are following me.

We were rained out from Red Rocks tonight. Working backwards, we were rained in to Chicago last Monday with storms closing the Omaha airport. And Mexico was more rain and clouds than the anticipated vacation sunshine.

But such is life. And life is still sunny, regardless of the rain.

Zach has comfortably moved into his new Colorado home. He and his step-brother/sister are co-existing comfortably. A warm and dry basement with a little vintage Harry Potter seems to be a happy spot for this trio.

Garrett and Gustavo had their planned afternoon bike ride rained out as well. The bikes were ready, but the roads were not. Regardless of Mother Nature, we still enjoyed a wonderful dinner with an afternoon full of catching up and good conversation. And it gave me a chance to get to know Garrett's long-time friend better. An opportunity that wouldn't have happened with their planned three hour bike ride.

So tonight I find myself with a computer on my lap and a decaf coffee to my right. I sit on cushions propped on the floor. Although the cushions belong to our outdoor furniture, our empty living room currently lacks furniture. We were expecting our furniture order last month. A unexpected change of plans delayed shipment.

I am beginning to believe that God gives us these little deviations in life just so we better appreciate all that life brings to us. The good things in life seem so much better after we deal with the perceived bad.

Such is life. By the way, the furniture is spectacular and worth the wait, I am sure. I'll post pictures once it's in and has been comfortably broken in.

I am quite sure I will always appreciate the comfort of this highly anticipated living room furniture. The feel of our month of using outdoor cushions as indoor seats will be planted in my memory. Until the shipment day actually arrives, my little spot on the floor is just fine. And we are going to give Red Rocks another shot in July. Goo-Goo Dolls and Daughtry are coming to town. A sunny night ahead....I hope.


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