June 12, 2014: Hubby

I love my husband. A lot. My better half.

Today he turned 49 and tonight we celebrated with our friends. My heart warms for the cheers we had and the smiles we shared.

I have been known to sugar-coat things. And today was no exception. Daily life comes with adversity, but it really is so much better when you forge forward through the not-so-great with those you love. And a cup half full is always superior to the half empty counterpart.

So my better half and I forged forward as a team. One in combination. A great duo.

We survived our hectic day to a little surprise party for Garrett's b-day to close the night. As suspected, he wasn't as surprised as I would have liked, but the end result was just as good. Tables full of friends. Cheers. A good life.

And then we went home to what we thought would be a childless home. Instead Ben and his girlfriend, Lauren, were busy making Ben's sack lunch for his next day at work.

Ben started Garrett's day with an entryway full of balloons and a table loaded with Almond Joy's and birthday hats. We closed the night with Ben looking for affirmation on his act of birthday kindness. We concurred. A good day to turn 49.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Brucker. First as my husband and with many, many happy celebrations to come.



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