February 10, 2014: Life is What Happens...

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." ~ John Lennon

I love this quote. I referred to it often, back in the days of divorce and family life changes for the Lane's. I had plans; one month, one year, five years. And then life happened. My great plans were out the window.

I am a forever planner. Although I can take a mean curve ball here and there, the steady flow of following the Outlook calendar is a necessary balance in my structured mind. Today was no exception.

With a look ahead for the week, food packed to get me through a busy day, and a myriad of to-do's anxiously awaiting a highlighter by the close of the night; I made my way to the office. The schedule was tight, but achievable. Ben and Grant were communicated their supportive roles as well.

And then my phone rang.

"This is St. Wenceslaus. We have Grant in the nurse's office. He is sick with a fever and headache. We need you to come and pick him up."

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

This quote immediately came to mind as I varied my route to turn around and head back west. Life is such a funny little journey. As much as one thinks they control it, they really don't.

The drive to pick up Grant brought to mind my busyness over the last ten days. My days have included a weekend in Colorado with the boys in tow, burning the midnight oil on work deadlines, dinners with friends, a day in court; all along with the other daily happenings that needed to be accomplished.

Of note was hitting an NHL hockey game, NBA basketball game, and Creighton game in less than a week. The court experience was less than desirable. I spent most of the time writing the Serenity Prayer over and over again in a notebook. But all items were on my Outlook calendar, nonetheless. 

Today is the curve ball to conclude my ten-day planned rally. Grant and I are now back home. Dress clothes and uniforms have been replaced with sweatpants and hoodies.

I now realize that I don't feel so great myself. The unplanned pot of chicken noodle soup that I chose to make yesterday is sounding like a brilliant idea. A deviation from the calendar that will be well played.


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