January 7, 2014: New Year Normalcy

Although I write about ordinary days, I am beginning to think there is no such thing. And I mean that in a good way. The way it should be; a life full of the extraordinary. Since it really is what you make of it, the definition of extraordinary lies with each individual.

Today was busy. The kids, finally back to school. A trip to Mexico, booked. A connection with an old friend, refreshed. And two work meetings were cancelled, leaving a day open for new opportunities. Tomorrow my husband flies back into town. Strange to refer to Garrett as my husband, but at the same time, those words feel very comfortable.

Tonight has been full of simple pleasures. After catching up with old work friends, I reflected on the conversations of the day with new work friends. Relationships built and relationships maintained. Steady and true.

Grant took it upon himself to run (literally) over to Lifetime to meet buddies. Knowing that my kids stay active and can entertain themselves, outside of electronics, is always a bonus. Grant's frozen hair and rosy cheeks were proof of his journey. It reminded me of my own life as a kid. Unfortunately using one's own legs for transportation is becoming a dying practice.

Double digit temperatures were a special treat. The hot bath upon arrival home was not a thawing out, but relaxation. New Christmas slippers adorn my feet. A gift of comfy jammies from my bridal shower were broken out. Among the silken beauties, I was gifted one pair of practicality. Perfect for my Tuesday nights of flying solo.

And now I am snuggled in, computer on lap, and thinking about setting my alarm clock for the morning. All in a day's work. Enjoy the day. Embrace the ordinary moments. And then repeat again.....


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