January 11, 2014: A New Travel Schedule

My new view that goes along with my new travel routine
People have been asking about our honeymoon. Where? When? My response has been that Garrett and I travel and adventure frequently, regardless of vows, so life is always a honeymoon for us.

Behind closed doors I have been giving Garrett a hard time about this same subject. Ironically, the first two trips he has booked for this year don't include his new bride. Hmmmm....

I do enjoy some playful banter with my husband, and this subject matter ammunition is perfect fodder. Every time Garrett brings up his upcoming guys ski trip to Telluride, I follow up with "you mean your honeymoon with Mike?" He does laugh and shake his head. Since Garrett has been lacking an adequate response, I feel that I am winning this banter.

At date night last Thursday, Garrett probed if I was just giving him a hard time or if this really bothered me. Although I hate to give up my ploy, I had to admit that I was having fun at his expense on the honeymoon comments. The fact that I am going on a girlfriends/sons trip to Chicago the week following Garrett's trip had escaped his memory.

What was bringing me down was the reality of the upcoming change in our weekend schedule. Post marital bliss, Garrett and I have decided to change our "off" weekends with kids. With the new schedule, he and I are always together, but always with kids. It seemed like the perfect solution to spending more time together and allowing family time together.

Then selfishly I started to mourn the loss of our every-other weekends alone. For over four years, Garrett and I have enjoyed time alone and the company of each other for a full weekend, twice a month. We would call these weekends our honeymoons. Like groundhog day, we would enjoy them over and over. We traveled across the country and made plans at a moments notice. Just the two of us.

Over a margarita, I moped that not only were we giving up our weekends, but we were planning vacations with people other than each other. Garrett assured me that all would be fine. That we just needed to keep our focus on each other and everything would fall into place with our new normal. I hesitantly agreed.

Last night was our first trip of the year back to Denver. Together. Our old norm was each of us flying solo from our home cities to desired joint destinations. It was rare that we traveled together. Lots of planes, trains and automobiles for the pot at the end of the rainbow. And lots of drop offs and pick ups at airports and then going home alone.

My first inclination of changing times was yesterday mid-afternoon when Garrett brought up grabbing a beer and pizza at the airport. Together. That was a novel thought. So with dueling computers, we raised our beers for a cheer at the Omaha Eppley Airport. Garrett, the new A-lister, saved me a comfy spot next to him on the plane.

I have come to the conclusion that an adventure is what you make of it and carving time out for each other doesn't require a weekend retreat atmosphere. Does an angel need to play a harp in order for one to pray?

I'm going to compile a list of fun things to do in Denver that I have never experienced. Brucker family fun on our weekends in Denver. New adventures. As for Omaha weekends, my social kids are pretty sparse. I don't think Garrett and I will lack for alone time. And there are many fun things to do in Omaha as well.

I am feeling better now. In all actuality, I've gained a travel buddy and great family time in diverse cities. I think I can get used to this...



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